Bilbao 1966 – Lives and works in Bilbao
Francia 1965 _ Lives and works in Biella {Italy}
Málaga 1950 _ Lives and works in Madrid
Palma de Mallorca 1965 _ Lives and works in Palma de Mallorca
Alemania 1921 – 1986
Massachusetts 1957 _ Lives and works in Boston
Brussels 1945 _ Lives and works in Bruesels
Madrid 1951 _ Lives and works in Madrid
Florencia 1958 _ Lives and works in Florencia and Umbria
Ciudad Real 1982 _ Lives and works in Madrid
Barcelona 1957 _ Lives and works in Barcelona
Barcelona 1919 – 1998
Valencia 1963 _ Lives and works in Valencia
Biella {ltaly} 1962 _Lives and works in Biella {Italy}
Valencia 1963 _ Lives and works in Madrid
Sevilla 1946 _ Lives and works in Madrid
Avilés 1964 _ Lives and works in Madrid
Madrid 1956 _ Lives and works in Los Angeles
Barcelona 1951 _ Lives and works in Barcelona
Toledo 1942 _ Lives and works in Madrid